Qbilinux 日記

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ESET Cyber Security Pro と Mac OS X 10.11.3 で不調は本家では対応済み

ESET Cyber Security Pro と Mac OS X 10.11.3 の組み合わせで不調になる件ですが,一応,eset 本家の international サイトの方にアナウンスが出ているので引用しておきます.

Slow or no Internet with ESET Cyber Security or Cyber Security Pro installed on OS X 10.11.3

Alert ID: ALERT5781|Document ID: 21837|Last Revised: January 22, 2016

Some users are experiencing slow or no Internet connections after upgrading to OS X 10.11.3 with ESET Cyber Security or ESET Cyber Security Pro.

    • This issue has been resolved with an updated Internet Protection Module (version 1226.7)

No further action is required. Your ESET product will update automatically to the latest IPM and this will resolve the issue.

